I've discovered the world of, a site which allows you to store links to web pages you find interesting along with key words (called tags) that you can use to organize them.
You sign up for the site and set up a bookmark to a special page that allows you to post links to with a single click and then you're ready to rock. Whenever you find a site that you want to remember for later, just click the bookmark, optionally enter some tags and a description, and it kindly returns you to the site you came from.
The benefits of using a site like this are several. The first and most obvious advantage is having a web-based catalogue of favorite sites. But the less obvious advantage is that you have access to other peoples' lists of favorite sites, finding them by the keywords they use to tag them. So you can subscribe to any keyword you like in your favorite feed aggregator (I use RSS Bandit) and have a ton of fresh content hand-picked by users around the world. Tasty.