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"Your 'reality', sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever."
— Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen


In deference to a few whiners, I have changed the layout of the site a bit. Apparently, a shift in the spacetime continuum during my absence from blogging caused the HTML/CSS spec to change, or small green men decided to change my blog, and it broke my damn page. The simpler layout should also be more friendly to you browser-pagans (you know who you are — you non-IE people sicken me). Now, I know what you're saying.... Mr. Gates' blatant disregard for such benevolent and infallible orders as the W3C is one of the signs of the Apocalypse, but trust me... once you accept the fact that you work for the Prince of Darkness, it becomes much easier to move on.

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Pandora: My Favorite New Songs
LibraryThing: What I'm Currently Reading
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Sinfest by Tatsuya Ishida

Order of the Stick by Rich Burlew
The Red Bull Diary Is
The Red Bull Diary is the personal pulpit and intellectual dumping-ground for its author, an amateur game designer, professional programmer, political centrist and incurable skeptic. The Red Bull Diary is gaming, game design, politics, development, geek culture, and other such nonsense.