All Your Base Are Belong To Us
If you're a geek, then this simple, incomprehensible phrase sends chills down your spine. But I'm not really sure why. What does it mean? Well... on the face of it, it looks like a line for a retarded bad guy from a foreign film, and that's almost exactly what it is... a terrible attempt at translating Japanese video game dialogue into English. But the deeper meaning is something far more insidious.
It means you're conquered. It means you've been defeated. It's a claim of unbridled dominance in disturbing way that only Anime can achieve. Sort of like Patsy's Miam! Miam! Hap!, it's inexplicable why things like this linger in our minds. But take my advice: don't think about it too long. Before you know it, you'll be sucked into a demon dimension and be subjected to unspeakable tortures like in La Blue Girl.