Burn, Baby, Burn
FeedBurner is a site that manages RSS feeds, and I have just signed up because I want to be able to analyze my traffic better by integrating feed statistics into BlogBeat. I'll have to see how it works out using FeedBurner's free features, but I think this is a testament to how useful BlogBeat has been. It's a great service that I am happy that I paid for, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants first-class blog analytics.
So I have updated the look of my site a bit and added del.icio.us and digg integration as well as a handy link to my new feed in the upper-righthand corner, taking advantage of some of the services you can get by integrating with FeedBurner. I've always tried to keep the site relatively clean and simple, but I couldn't resist (feed junkie that I am) so let me know if you think it's just too much clutter.
And if you're not familiar with these aggregation sites, you will be. There's an RSS explosion happening out there (thanks to Lifehacker for the link). Download yourself an aggregator (I use RSS Bandit, but that's mainly because it's open source and written in C#) and drink the sweet nectar that is web syndication.
And if you're reading this via an RSS reader already, please update your feed URL to reflect my new feed. Not my old feed. My new feed. Thank you.